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Skrewball Peanut Butter Whiskey 750ML

Product price




Skrewball Peanut Butter Whiskey 750ML is a unique spirit that combines the rich, nutty flavor of peanut butter with the smooth warmth of whiskey. Made in the United States, this one-of-a-kind drink is perfect for those looking to try something different and delicious.

To enjoy Skrewball Peanut Butter Whiskey, try it on the rocks for a simple and indulgent treat. It can also be used as a fun twist in classic cocktails like the Old Fashioned or Whiskey Sour. Experiment with mixing it into milkshakes or drizzling it over ice cream for a decadent dessert experience.

Product Details

TypeWhiskey - American
Size750 ml
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    H K Young Toasted 6 Year Bourbon Whiskey 750ML

    Experience the rich and complex flavors of H K Toasted 6 Year Bourbon Whiskey 750ML. This premium bourbon offers notes of caramel, vanilla, and oak, with a smooth finish. Crafted in the heart of Kentucky, this aged whiskey is the perfect choice for any bourbon enthusiast.

    Enjoy H K Toasted 6 Year Bourbon Whiskey neat, on the rocks, or as the base for your favorite cocktail. Pair it with a classic Old Fashioned or sip it alongside a delicious meal to elevate your dining experience. Whether you're savoring it solo or sharing it with friends, this bourbon is sure to impress.


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    William Wolf Pecan Whiskey 750ML is a rich and smooth blend of whiskey infused with the natural flavor of pecans. This unique spirit offers a sweet and nutty taste profile that is perfect for whiskey lovers looking to add a touch of warmth and sweetness to their drink.

    Enjoy William Wolf Pecan Whiskey neat, on the rocks, or mixed in cocktails to enhance the rich pecan flavor. This versatile spirit pairs well with desserts like pecan pie or can be used to create unique and flavorful cocktails for any occasion. Elevate your whiskey experience with William Wolf Pecan Whiskey.


  • George Remus Babe Ruth Reserve Straight Bourbon 750ML

    George Remus Babe Ruth Reserve Straight Bourbon 750ML

    George Remus Babe Ruth Reserve Straight Bourbon 750ML is a premium bourbon with a rich flavor profile. This bourbon is crafted in the United States, delivering a smooth and complex taste with hints of caramel, oak, and spice.

    To fully enjoy the George Remus Babe Ruth Reserve Straight Bourbon, it is recommended to serve it neat or on the rocks. This bourbon can also be used in classic cocktails like Old Fashioned or Manhattan, enhancing the flavors with its unique blend.



  • Bookers Master Distillers Blend 2024

    Bookers Master Distillers Blend 2024

    Bookers Master Distillers Blend 2024 is a premium bourbon whiskey crafted by master distillers from Kentucky. This exclusive blend offers a rich and complex flavor profile with notes of caramel, oak, and a hint of spice, making it a must-have for any whiskey enthusiast.

    To fully enjoy the flavors of Bookers Master Distillers Blend 2024, it is recommended to sip it neat or on the rocks. For a more complex experience, try incorporating it into classic bourbon cocktails like Old Fashioned or Manhattan. Serve in a whiskey glass to fully appreciate its aroma and taste.



  • Blood Oath Pact #10 750ML

    Blood Oath Pact #10 750ML

    Introducing Blood Oath Pact #10 750ML, a premium bourbon crafted with a unique blend of flavors. This rich and complex bourbon features notes of caramel, vanilla, and oak, creating a smooth and satisfying taste. Made in the USA, this bourbon is a testament to quality craftsmanship.

    To truly experience the full flavor profile of Blood Oath Pact #10, we recommend enjoying it neat or on the rocks. Savor each sip slowly to fully appreciate the intricate layers of flavor. This bourbon also makes a great base for classic cocktails like Old Fashioneds or Manhattans.



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    James Pepper Bottled in Bond Bourbon is a 750ML bottle of premium bourbon that boasts a rich and complex flavor profile. This high-quality spirit originates from Kentucky, a region known for producing some of the best bourbon in the world. With notes of vanilla, oak, and a hint of spice, this bourbon is perfect for sipping neat or as the base for classic cocktails.

    To fully enjoy James Pepper Bottled in Bond Bourbon, serve it in a rocks glass over ice or in a traditional Old Fashioned cocktail. For a more elevated experience, try it in a Manhattan or a Whiskey Sour. This versatile bourbon is sure to impress both connoisseurs and casual drinkers alike.


  • High West Cask Collection 750ML

    High West Cask Collection 750ML

    High West Cask Collection 750ML is a premium spirits offering with a rich and complex flavor profile. This high-quality spirit hails from the renowned region of Utah, known for its craft distilleries and unique flavor profiles.

    To fully appreciate the flavors of this product, it is recommended to enjoy it neat or on the rocks. Alternatively, it can be used as a base for cocktails to add depth and complexity to your favorite mixed drinks.


  • Muckraker Hazen 750ML

    Muckraker Hazen 750ML

    Introducing Muckraker Hazen 750ML, a premium spirits offering with a rich and complex flavor profile. This unique spirit hails from an artisan distillery in the heart of the Midwest, known for its commitment to quality and craftsmanship.

    To fully savor the intricate flavors of Muckraker Hazen, we recommend enjoying it neat or over ice. For a unique cocktail experience, try mixing with a splash of soda water and a twist of lemon. Whether sipped slowly or mixed into your favorite drink, Muckraker Hazen is sure to impress even the most discerning of spirit enthusiasts.


  • Wirths Manhattans 750ML

    Wirths Manhattans 750ML

    Wirths Manhattans 750ML is a delicious spirit originating from the region. This premium liquor offers a unique flavor profile that is smooth and rich, perfect for mixing into classic cocktails or enjoying on its own.

    To fully enjoy Wirths Manhattans 750ML, try mixing it with vermouth and bitters to create the perfect Manhattan cocktail. Serve chilled in a martini glass for a sophisticated and refreshing drink that is sure to impress your guests.


  • Tullibardine 228 Burgundy Whisky NV 750ML

    Tullibardine 228 Burgundy Whisky NV 750ML

    Tullibardine 228 Burgundy Whisky NV 750ML is a rich and complex spirit hailing from the Scottish Highlands. This whisky is aged in 228-liter Burgundy red wine casks, giving it a unique flavor profile with notes of dark fruits, vanilla, and a hint of spice.

    To fully appreciate the flavors of Tullibardine 228 Burgundy Whisky, it is best enjoyed neat or on the rocks. Pair it with dark chocolate or a charcuterie board for a delightful tasting experience. This whisky also makes a great base for crafting indulgent cocktails such as old fashioneds or whisky sours.
