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Staff Top Picks
  • Gunsight Rock Cabernet 2019 750ML

    Gunsight Rock Cabernet 2019 750ML

    Introducing Gunsight Rock Cabernet 2019 750ML, a rich and bold red wine from an acclaimed vineyard in California. This Cabernet boasts flavors of dark berries, black currant, and hints of oak, with a smooth finish that lingers on the palate.

    This wine pairs beautifully with grilled steak, roasted lamb, hearty pasta dishes, and aged cheeses. Its robust flavors complement savory and rich foods, making it a perfect choice for special occasions and gatherings.




    MONTENOVO GODELLO 2018 750ML is a delicious white wine from the renowned region of Spain. This vintage offers a crisp and refreshing flavor profile with notes of citrus and tropical fruits, making it perfect for any occasion.

    This Godello wine pairs beautifully with seafood dishes such as grilled shrimp, fish tacos, or seared scallops. It also complements light salads and creamy pasta dishes. Enjoy this Spanish gem with your favorite meal for a delightful dining experience.


  • Il Conte Pinot Grigio 1.5L

    Il Conte Pinot Grigio 1.5L

    Il Conte Pinot Grigio 1.5L is a refreshing white wine with a bright acidity and notes of citrus, green apple, and ripe pear. Originating from the Veneto region in Italy, this Pinot Grigio is perfect for those who enjoy crisp and clean flavors in their wine.

    This versatile wine pairs excellently with light seafood dishes such as grilled shrimp or oysters, as well as salads, soft cheeses, and poultry. It also complements vegetarian meals like vegetable risotto or pasta primavera. Enjoy a glass of Il Conte Pinot Grigio with your next meal for a delightful dining experience.




    Introducing our WATERCOLOR DOT WINE BAG, perfect for carrying your favorite bottle of wine in style. This wine bag is a must-have accessory for wine lovers. Made with high-quality materials, this bag exudes elegance and sophistication, making it the perfect companion for any wine enthusiast.

    Pair this wine bag with a variety of foods such as cheese, charcuterie, and fruits for the ultimate wine-tasting experience. Whether you're hosting a dinner party or enjoying a picnic in the park, this wine bag is the perfect accessory to elevate any occasion.




    The SALOON SACK WINE BAG EACH is a convenient way to enjoy quality wine on the go. This wine bag offers a rich and robust flavor profile, sourced from the finest grapes in the region.

    This wine bag pairs perfectly with a variety of foods, including charcuterie boards, pasta dishes, and grilled meats. Its versatile flavor makes it a great choice for any meal or occasion.


  • Pra Otto Soave 2023 750ML

    Pra Otto Soave 2023 750ML

    Pra Otto Soave 2023 is a delightful white wine from the Soave region of Italy. This refreshing wine offers a crisp and clean taste with notes of citrus, pear, and floral aromas.

    Pair this Soave wine with light dishes such as seafood, poultry, salads, and soft cheeses to enhance its flavors. It also pairs well with spicy dishes and antipasti plates.




    LAHERTE FRERES BRUT 750ML is a premium wine from the Champagne region of France. This sparkling wine has a crisp and refreshing flavor profile with notes of citrus, green apple, and brioche.

    This wine pairs perfectly with a variety of dishes, including oysters, seafood, sushi, and creamy cheeses. It is also a great choice to enjoy on its own as a celebratory drink or aperitif.


  • Dark Horse Red Blend NV 750ML

    Dark Horse Red Blend NV 750ML

    The Dark Horse Red Blend NV 750ML is a rich and bold wine with a perfect balance of flavors. This red blend offers notes of dark berries, chocolate, and a hint of spice, making it a versatile choice for any occasion. It hails from various regions around the world, ensuring a complex and dynamic drinking experience.

    Pair this Dark Horse Red Blend with grilled steak, hearty pasta dishes, or aged cheeses for a delicious dining experience. Its robust flavors and smooth finish make it an ideal complement to savory dishes with bold flavors.



  • Absolut 375ML

    Absolut 375ML

    Absolut 375ML is a premium vodka with a clean and smooth taste, perfect for mixing in cocktails or enjoying on its own. This Swedish vodka is known for its exceptional quality and iconic bottle design.

    For the best experience, try mixing Absolut 375ML with your favorite fruit juice or tonic water for a refreshing drink. This vodka also pairs well with a variety of cocktail recipes, making it a versatile choice for any occasion.



  • Absolut 200ML

    Absolut 200ML

    Absolut 200ML is a premium spirit with a smooth and clean taste. Distilled in Sweden using high-quality ingredients, this vodka offers a classic flavor profile that is perfect for mixing in cocktails or enjoying on its own.

    For best results, mix Absolut 200ML with your favorite fruit juice or soda for a refreshing drink. This versatile spirit can also be used in classic cocktails like martinis or cosmopolitans for a sophisticated touch. Enjoy responsibly.



  • Absolut 1.75L

    Absolut 1.75L

    Absolut 1.75L is a premium vodka known for its smooth and clean taste, making it a versatile choice for cocktails or enjoying on its own. Made in Sweden, this spirit is distilled from winter wheat sourced from the pristine fields of Ahus for a truly authentic taste.

    To enjoy Absolut 1.75L at its best, try mixing it with your favorite fruit juice for a refreshing cocktail, or simply serve it chilled in a martini glass for a classic vodka experience. This large format bottle is perfect for hosting gatherings or stocking up your home bar.



  • Absolut 1L

    Absolut 1L

    Absolut 1L is a premium spirit originating from Sweden. This vodka is smooth and clean, with a hint of grain and a touch of dried fruit notes, making it perfect for mixing in cocktails or enjoying on the rocks.

    For optimal enjoyment, try mixing Absolut 1L with your favorite fruit juices or soda for a refreshing cocktail. Alternatively, enjoy it neat or on the rocks to experience the full flavor profile of this iconic spirit.


  • Absolut Mandrin 750ML

    Absolut Mandrin 750ML

    Absolut Mandrin 750ML is a premium spirits product with a distinct mandarin flavor profile. Made in Sweden, this vodka is infused with mandarin and other citrus flavors, creating a smooth and refreshing taste that is perfect for mixing in cocktails or enjoying straight.

    For best results, try mixing Absolut Mandrin with soda water and a splash of lime for a simple and delicious cocktail. Alternatively, use it as a base for fruity mixed drinks like Cosmopolitans or Mandarin Mules. Experiment with different citrus garnishes to enhance the citrus notes in this versatile spirit.



  • Absolut Citron 750ML

    Absolut Citron 750ML

    Absolut Citron 750ML is a premium citrus-flavored vodka originating from Sweden. This renowned spirit offers a refreshing blend of lemon and lime flavors, perfect for mixing into your favorite cocktails.

    For optimal enjoyment, try mixing Absolut Citron with tonic water and a splash of fresh lemon juice for a zesty and effervescent cocktail. It can also be enjoyed chilled on its own or used as a base for a variety of citrusy drinks.



  • Arbor Mist Exotic Fruits White Zin 1.5L

    Arbor Mist Exotic Fruits White Zin 1.5L

    Arbor Mist Exotic Fruits White Zin 1.5L is a delicious wine with a blend of exotic fruits and crisp white zinfandel grapes. This refreshing wine originates from the United States, offering a sweet and fruity flavor profile.

    This wine pairs perfectly with light appetizers, salads, seafood dishes, and spicy cuisines. Enjoy Arbor Mist Exotic Fruits White Zin 1.5L with a variety of foods to enhance the flavors of your meal.




    TRIM California Cabernet 2017 is a rich and full-bodied red wine, showcasing flavors of black cherry, plum, and hints of vanilla. This wine is sourced from California, known for producing top-quality Cabernet Sauvignon grapes.

    This Cabernet pairs perfectly with grilled steak, roasted lamb, or aged cheeses. Its bold flavors also complement hearty pasta dishes and rich chocolate desserts. Enjoy a glass of TRIM California Cabernet 2017 with your favorite foods for a delightful dining experience.


  • Dekuyper Triple Sec 1L

    Dekuyper Triple Sec 1L

    Dekuyper Triple Sec 1L is a classic citrus-flavored orange liqueur that originates from the Netherlands. It has a sweet taste with hints of orange peel and a smooth finish, making it a versatile ingredient for various cocktails.

    This Triple Sec can be used as a key ingredient in popular cocktail recipes such as Margaritas, Cosmopolitans, and Long Island Iced Teas. It can also be enjoyed on its own over ice or mixed with soda water for a refreshing spritzer. Experiment with different cocktails to find your favorite way to enjoy Dekuyper Triple Sec 1L.


  • Licor 43 750ML

    Licor 43 750ML

    Licor 43 750ML is a premium spirit originating from Spain, known for its unique and complex flavor profile. This liqueur features hints of vanilla, citrus, and herbs, creating a smooth and aromatic taste experience.

    Enjoy Licor 43 on its own as a digestif after a meal, or mix it with your favorite cocktail to add a touch of sophistication and depth. This versatile spirit can also be incorporated into desserts and coffee drinks for a delicious twist.



  • Woodbridge Rose 4pk [SINGLE] 187ML

    Woodbridge Rose 4pk [4 PACK]

    Woodbridge Rose 4pk [SINGLE] 187ML is a delightful wine with a refreshing taste of rose petals and strawberries. Made in the renowned region of California, this wine offers a balanced blend of sweetness and acidity, perfect for any occasion.

    This versatile wine pairs well with a variety of dishes, including light salads, summer fruits, and white meats like chicken or turkey. It also complements seafood dishes such as shrimp or salmon, making it a great choice for a diverse range of meals.




    The Sans Liege The Offering Blend 2018 is a rich and complex wine from California. This blend offers flavors of dark fruits, baking spices, and a hint of vanilla, creating a smooth and luxurious taste.

    This wine pairs perfectly with grilled steak, hearty pasta dishes, or aged cheeses. The bold flavors of the wine complement red meats and rich flavors for a truly elevated dining experience.



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    The Sans Liege The Offering Blend 2018 is a rich and complex wine from California. This blend offers flavors of dark fruits, baking spices, and a hint of vanilla, creating a smooth and luxurious taste.

    This wine pairs perfectly with grilled steak, hearty pasta dishes, or aged cheeses. The bold flavors of the wine complement red meats and rich flavors for a truly elevated dining experience.



  • Licor 43 750ML

    Licor 43 750ML

    Licor 43 750ML is a premium spirit originating from Spain, known for its unique and complex flavor profile. This liqueur features hints of vanilla, citrus, and herbs, creating a smooth and aromatic taste experience.

    Enjoy Licor 43 on its own as a digestif after a meal, or mix it with your favorite cocktail to add a touch of sophistication and depth. This versatile spirit can also be incorporated into desserts and coffee drinks for a delicious twist.



  • Absolut Citron 750ML

    Absolut Citron 750ML

    Absolut Citron 750ML is a premium citrus-flavored vodka originating from Sweden. This renowned spirit offers a refreshing blend of lemon and lime flavors, perfect for mixing into your favorite cocktails.

    For optimal enjoyment, try mixing Absolut Citron with tonic water and a splash of fresh lemon juice for a zesty and effervescent cocktail. It can also be enjoyed chilled on its own or used as a base for a variety of citrusy drinks.



  • Absolut Mandrin 750ML

    Absolut Mandrin 750ML

    Absolut Mandrin 750ML is a premium spirits product with a distinct mandarin flavor profile. Made in Sweden, this vodka is infused with mandarin and other citrus flavors, creating a smooth and refreshing taste that is perfect for mixing in cocktails or enjoying straight.

    For best results, try mixing Absolut Mandrin with soda water and a splash of lime for a simple and delicious cocktail. Alternatively, use it as a base for fruity mixed drinks like Cosmopolitans or Mandarin Mules. Experiment with different citrus garnishes to enhance the citrus notes in this versatile spirit.



  • Absolut 1.75L

    Absolut 1.75L

    Absolut 1.75L is a premium vodka known for its smooth and clean taste, making it a versatile choice for cocktails or enjoying on its own. Made in Sweden, this spirit is distilled from winter wheat sourced from the pristine fields of Ahus for a truly authentic taste.

    To enjoy Absolut 1.75L at its best, try mixing it with your favorite fruit juice for a refreshing cocktail, or simply serve it chilled in a martini glass for a classic vodka experience. This large format bottle is perfect for hosting gatherings or stocking up your home bar.



  • Bushmills Irish Whiskey 750ML

    Bushmills Irish Whiskey 750ML

    Bushmills Irish Whiskey 750ML is a smooth and flavorful spirit from Ireland. This whiskey offers a balanced combination of malty sweetness, vanilla, and hints of oak, bringing a rich and complex taste to your palate.

    To fully enjoy Bushmills Irish Whiskey, it is recommended to serve it neat, on the rocks, or as a base for classic whiskey cocktails like an Old Fashioned or a Whiskey Sour. Savor the flavors of Ireland with every sip of this exceptional spirit.



  • Imagery Pinot Noir 2021 750ML

    Imagery Pinot Noir 2021 750ML

    Imagery Pinot Noir 2021 750ML is a rich and complex red wine with flavors of cherry, raspberry, and earthy undertones. This wine is from the Sonoma County region in California, known for producing high-quality Pinot Noir wines.

    This Pinot Noir pairs beautifully with a variety of food options, including roasted duck, grilled salmon, mushroom risotto, and aged cheeses such as Gouda or Brie. It is also a perfect choice for enjoying on its own or with appetizers like charcuterie boards.



  • Hampton Water Rose 2022 750ML

    Hampton Water Rose 2022 750ML

    Hampton Water Rosé 2022 750ML is a delightful wine with a beautiful pale pink color, featuring a refreshing flavor profile of bright red fruit, floral notes, and a hint of citrus. This wine is crafted in the picturesque region of Provence, France, known for producing top-quality rosés.

    This versatile wine pairs perfectly with a variety of dishes, such as grilled seafood, fresh salads, light pastas, and soft cheeses. Enjoy Hampton Water Rosé 2022 750ML as a delightful accompaniment to a summer picnic or a relaxing evening at home.



  • Gehricke Russian River Chardonnay 2018 750ML

    Gehricke Russian River Chardonnay 2018 750ML

    Enjoy the Gehricke Russian River Chardonnay 2018 750ML, a delicious white wine from the renowned Russian River Valley region. This wine offers a refreshing flavor profile with hints of citrus, tropical fruits, and a touch of oak.

    Pair this Chardonnay with light seafood dishes such as grilled shrimp or crab cakes. It also complements creamy pasta dishes like fettuccine Alfredo or chicken carbonara. Enjoy this wine with friends and family for a delightful dining experience.



  • Dewars 750ML

    Dewars 750ML

    Dewars 750ML is a premium blended Scotch whisky known for its smooth and rich flavor profile. Made with a blend of single malt and grain whiskies, it offers notes of honey, vanilla, and a hint of smoke. This whisky is crafted in Scotland, renowned for its distilling expertise.

    To enjoy Dewars 750ML at its best, serve it neat in a whisky glass or over ice for a refreshing sip. It can also be used in cocktails like the classic Whisky Sour or Old Fashioned for a delightful twist. Whether sipped on its own or mixed into a cocktail, Dewars 750ML is sure to elevate any drinking experience.



  • Dewars 1.75L

    Dewars 1.75L

    Dewars 1.75L is a premium spirit known for its smooth and rich flavor profile. This Scotch whisky hails from the famous region of Scotland, where it undergoes a meticulous aging process to achieve its distinctive taste.

    To enjoy Dewars 1.75L at its best, serve it neat in a rocks glass or use it as a base for classic cocktails like the Rusty Nail or Whisky Sour. Its versatility makes it ideal for sipping on its own or mixing into your favorite drinks for a sophisticated touch.



  • Blackheart Spiced Rum 1.75L

    Blackheart Spiced Rum 1.75L

    Blackheart Spiced Rum 1.75L is a bold and flavorful spirit known for its rich taste and smooth finish. This rum offers a unique blend of spices that creates a warm and inviting flavor profile, making it a popular choice among rum enthusiasts. Crafted in the Caribbean, Blackheart Spiced Rum captures the essence of the tropical region in every sip.

    To fully enjoy Blackheart Spiced Rum, try mixing it with cola for a classic and refreshing cocktail. This rum also pairs well with fruit juices, such as pineapple or orange, for a delicious tropical twist. Whether enjoyed on the rocks or in a cocktail, Blackheart Spiced Rum is sure to delight your taste buds with its robust flavors.



  • Hennessy VS 375ML

    Hennessy VS 375ML

    The Hennessy VS 375ML is a classic spirit known for its rich and full-bodied flavor profile. Originating from the Cognac region of France, this well-balanced blend offers notes of oak, spice, and dried fruit, making it a versatile choice for cocktails or enjoying neat.

    To fully enjoy the Hennessy VS 375ML, it is recommended to serve it in a snifter glass at room temperature. This spirit is perfect for sipping on its own to savor the complex flavors, or as a base for classic cocktails like a Hennessy Sidecar or a Vieux Carré.



  • Skrewball Peanut Butter Whiskey 750ML

    Skrewball Peanut Butter Whiskey 750ML

    Skrewball Peanut Butter Whiskey 750ML is a unique spirit that combines the rich, nutty flavor of peanut butter with the smooth warmth of whiskey. Made in the United States, this one-of-a-kind drink is perfect for those looking to try something different and delicious.

    To enjoy Skrewball Peanut Butter Whiskey, try it on the rocks for a simple and indulgent treat. It can also be used as a fun twist in classic cocktails like the Old Fashioned or Whiskey Sour. Experiment with mixing it into milkshakes or drizzling it over ice cream for a decadent dessert experience.



  • The Federalist Cabernet 2021 750ML

    The Federalist Cabernet 2021 750ML

    The Federalist Cabernet 2021 750ML is a rich and bold wine from the United States, known for its deep flavors of black cherry, blackberry, and hints of vanilla. This Cabernet comes from top-quality vineyards and is carefully crafted to deliver a smooth and satisfying taste experience.

    This robust Cabernet pairs perfectly with hearty dishes such as grilled steak, BBQ ribs, and aged cheeses. Its full-bodied flavor profile also complements pasta dishes with rich tomato-based sauces and dark chocolate desserts. Enjoy The Federalist Cabernet 2021 750ML with your favorite meals for a memorable dining experience.



  • Havana Club Anejo Classico 750ML

    Havana Club Anejo Classico 750ML

    Havana Club Anejo Classico 750ML is a premium spirit originating from Cuba. This aged rum offers a smooth and balanced flavor profile with notes of oak, vanilla, and caramel, making it perfect for sipping or mixing in cocktails.

    To fully enjoy Havana Club Anejo Classico, it is recommended to serve it neat or on the rocks to savor the complex flavors. For cocktails, try mixing it with cola or ginger beer for a refreshing and classic Cuban highball.



  • Brugal Extra Dry  Rum 750ML

    Brugal Extra Dry Rum 750ML

    Brugal Extra Dry Rum 750ML is a classic spirit hailing from the Dominican Republic. This rum boasts a clean and crisp flavor profile with hints of citrus and vanilla, making it perfect for mixing in cocktails or enjoying on its own.

    For best results, try mixing Brugal Extra Dry Rum with a splash of soda water and a twist of lime for a refreshing and simple cocktail. Alternatively, use it as a base for classic rum drinks such as daiquiris or mojitos. However you choose to enjoy it, this versatile rum is sure to impress.



  • Prairie Vodka 1ltr 1L

    Prairie Vodka 1ltr 1L

    Prairie Vodka 1ltr 1L is a premium spirit known for its smooth and crisp taste. Made from organic corn, this vodka hails from the heartland of America, bringing a touch of the prairie to your glass.

    For the best experience, enjoy Prairie Vodka neat, on the rocks, or as the base for a refreshing cocktail. Its clean and pure flavor makes it a versatile spirit that can elevate any drink recipe.



  • Camus Very Special Cognac 750ML

    Camus Very Special Cognac 750ML

    Camus Very Special Cognac 750ML is a premium spirit originating from the Cognac region of France. This smooth and rich cognac boasts notes of dried apricot, cinnamon, and oak, providing a luxurious and complex flavor profile.

    To enjoy the full experience of Camus Very Special Cognac, it is recommended to serve it neat or on the rocks in a snifter glass. This allows the aromas to fully develop and the flavors to shine. Pair with dark chocolate or artisanal cheeses for a decadent tasting experience.



  • Canadian Mist 1.75L

    Canadian Mist 1.75L

    Canadian Mist 1.75L is a smooth and mellow spirit hailing from Canada. This whisky offers a subtle blend of oak and vanilla flavors, providing a delightful drinking experience.

    Enjoy Canadian Mist neat, on the rocks, or as a base for classic cocktails like a whisky sour or old fashioned. This versatile spirit is a great addition to any home bar collection.



  • Venta Morales Organic  Tempranillo 2017 750ML

    Venta Morales Organic Tempranillo 2017 750ML

    Venta Morales Organic Tempranillo 2017 is a rich and fruity wine from the region of La Mancha, Spain. This Tempranillo showcases flavors of ripe red berries, cherry, and a hint of spice, with a smooth and elegant finish.

    This wine pairs perfectly with grilled lamb chops, Spanish tapas, or a hearty pasta dish. Enjoy a glass of Venta Morales Organic Tempranillo 2017 with friends and family at your next gathering.


  • Maris Organic Rouge 2019 750ML

    Maris Organic Rouge 2019 750ML

    Maris Organic Rouge 2019 750ML is a rich and robust red wine that offers deep flavors of dark berries, spice, and earthy notes. This exquisite wine hails from the Languedoc region of France, known for producing high-quality organic wines.

    This wine pairs wonderfully with hearty dishes such as grilled steak, roasted lamb, or aged cheeses. It also complements pasta dishes with rich tomato-based sauces or earthy mushroom flavors.


  • ERA Pinot Grigio 2022 750ML

    ERA Pinot Grigio 2022 750ML

    ERA Pinot Grigio 2022 750ML is a refreshing white wine with citrus and floral notes. This elegant wine originates from the beautiful vineyards of the Pinot Grigio region, known for producing high-quality wines with a crisp and clean finish.

    Pair this exquisite Pinot Grigio with light salads, seafood dishes, or grilled chicken for a delightful dining experience. Its versatile nature also makes it a great option for enjoying on its own or with friends during a casual gathering.


  • Protocolo Organic White 2017 750ML

    Protocolo Organic White 2017 750ML

    Protocolo Organic White 2017 750ML is a crisp and refreshing white wine, with notes of citrus and tropical fruits. This organic wine hails from Spain, specifically from the region of Castilla La Mancha.

    This versatile white wine pairs well with seafood dishes such as grilled shrimp or fish tacos, as well as light salads and fresh cheeses. It is also a great option to enjoy on its own as a light aperitif.


  • Goru Verde Organic Red 2018 750ML

    Goru Verde Organic Red 2018 750ML

    Goru Verde Organic Red 2018 750ML is a bold and flavorful wine originating from the renowned wine region of Spain. This organic red wine offers a rich taste profile with notes of dark fruit and hints of spice, making it perfect for those who enjoy a full-bodied wine experience.

    This wine pairs well with a variety of dishes, including grilled meats, pasta with red sauce, and aged cheeses. Its robust flavor profile and smooth finish make it an ideal complement to hearty and savory dishes.


  • Ziobaffa Organic Prosecco 750ML

    Ziobaffa Organic Prosecco 750ML

    Ziobaffa Organic Prosecco 750ML is a high-quality wine from the Prosecco region of Italy. This organic Prosecco offers crisp notes of green apple, pear, and citrus, with a delicate floral aroma.

    This refreshing Prosecco pairs perfectly with light dishes such as seafood, salads, and appetizers. It also complements cheese plates and desserts. Enjoy a glass of Ziobaffa Organic Prosecco with grilled shrimp skewers or a fruit tart for a delightful culinary experience.


  • El Mismo Mencia 2017 750ML

    El Mismo Mencia 2017 750ML

    El Mismo Mencia 2017 750ML is a delicious red wine hailing from the region of Spain. This wine boasts a complex flavor profile with notes of dark berries, black pepper, and a hint of earthiness, making it a truly delightful choice for any wine enthusiast.

    This wine pairs excellently with charcuterie boards, roasted lamb, grilled vegetables, and hearty stews. For a perfect dining experience, serve El Mismo Mencia 2017 750ML alongside your favorite Spanish dishes or enjoy it on its own as a delightful evening treat.


  • Protocolo Organic Rose 2020 750ML

    Protocolo Organic Rose 2020 750ML

    Protocolo Organic Rose 2020 750ML is a delightful wine with fresh and vibrant flavors. Originating from the beautiful region of Spain, this organic rose offers notes of red berries, citrus, and floral undertones.

    This versatile wine pairs wonderfully with a variety of dishes, including salads, grilled seafood, and light pasta dishes. It's also perfect for enjoying on its own as a refreshing aperitif. Serve chilled for the best tasting experience.


  • Castello di Farnetella Chianti 750ML

    Castello di Farnetella Chianti 750ML

    Castello di Farnetella Chianti 750ML is a classic Tuscan red wine with a rich and robust flavor profile. Made from Sangiovese grapes, this Chianti offers notes of cherry, plum, and earthy undertones, with a hint of spice on the finish. It hails from the renowned Chianti region in Italy, known for producing high-quality wines.

    This versatile wine pairs well with a variety of dishes, including grilled meats, pasta dishes, and aged cheeses. Serve slightly chilled at around 60-65°F to fully enjoy its complex flavors. Whether enjoyed on its own or with a meal, Castello di Farnetella Chianti is sure to impress with its bold and elegant taste.


  • Frey Organic Natural White NV 750ML

    Frey Organic Natural White NV 750ML

    Enjoy the delightful taste of Frey Organic Natural White NV 750ML, a refreshing wine crafted from organic grapes. This natural white wine boasts crisp notes of citrus and green apple, perfect for any occasion. Produced in the beautiful region of California, this wine embodies the essence of organic and sustainable winemaking.

    Pair Frey Organic Natural White NV 750ML with a variety of dishes such as seafood, salads, or light pasta dishes. The bright acidity and fruity flavors of this wine complement a wide range of flavors, making it a versatile choice for any meal.
