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Tanteo Habanero Tequila 750ML

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Tanteo Habanero Tequila 750ML is a premium tequila infused with spicy habanero peppers, creating a bold and unique flavor profile. This tequila is crafted in Mexico, using traditional methods, resulting in a smooth and fiery spirit with a hint of heat.

Enjoy Tanteo Habanero Tequila neat, on the rocks, or as a base for spicy cocktails such as margaritas or palomas. For a delicious twist, try mixing it with fresh lime juice and agave syrup for a refreshing and spicy sip. Experiment with different ingredients to create your own signature cocktails that showcase the complex flavors of this tequila.

Product Details

Size750 ml
  • El Tequileno Reposado Gran Reserva 750ML

    El Tequileno Reposado Gran Reserva 750ML

    The El Tequileno Reposado Gran Reserva 750ML is a premium tequila from Mexico. This aged tequila offers a smooth and rich flavor profile with hints of oak, vanilla, and caramel, making it perfect for sipping neat or in cocktails.

    For optimal enjoyment, try savoring this tequila in a classic Margarita or Paloma cocktail. It also pairs well with spicy Mexican dishes or as a luxurious addition to a tequila tasting experience.



  • Jose Cuervo Devils Reserve Tequila 750ML

    Jose Cuervo Devils Reserve Tequila 750ML

    Jose Cuervo Devils Reserve Tequila 750ML is a premium tequila crafted in Jalisco, Mexico. This bold and complex tequila boasts flavors of caramel, vanilla, and oak, with hints of spice and warmth.

    Enjoy Jose Cuervo Devils Reserve Tequila neat, on the rocks, or as a base for your favorite cocktails. This tequila is perfect for sipping slowly and savoring the rich flavors.



  • Tequila Ocho Plata Puntas Overproof 750ML

    Tequila Ocho Plata Puntas Overproof 750ML

    Tequila Ocho Plata Puntas Overproof is a high-quality tequila from Mexico, known for its smooth and rich flavor profile with hints of agave, citrus, and herbs. This tequila is made from 100% blue agave grown in the single estate of Los Mangos, creating a unique and authentic taste.

    For the best experience, enjoy Tequila Ocho Plata Puntas Overproof neat or on the rocks to savor its distinct flavors. This tequila also works well in cocktails like margaritas or palomas for a refreshing and flavorful drink.



  • Cazcanes Rosa Blanco #9 100pf 750ML

    Cazcanes Rosa Blanco #9 100pf 750ML

    Introducing Cazcanes Rosa Blanco #9, a 100 proof tequila in a 750ml bottle. This premium tequila has a unique flavor profile with hints of citrus and agave, crafted in the region of Jalisco, Mexico.

    To enjoy Cazcanes Rosa Blanco #9, serve it neat in a tequila glass to savor its bold flavors. It can also be used as a base for cocktails to enhance the taste of your favorite mixed drinks. Remember to store it in a cool, dark place to maintain its quality.



  • Lost Lore Blanco Tequila 750ML

    Lost Lore Blanco Tequila 750ML

    Lost Lore Blanco Tequila is a premium spirit known for its smooth and clean taste. This tequila is crafted in the region of Jalisco, Mexico, known for producing high-quality tequila. The flavor profile includes notes of agave, citrus, and a hint of pepper, making it ideal for sipping or mixing in cocktails.

    To fully enjoy Lost Lore Blanco Tequila, we recommend serving it chilled or over ice to enhance the flavors. This tequila also pairs well with citrus-based mixers, such as lime or grapefruit juice, for a refreshing cocktail. Whether enjoyed neat or in a cocktail, Lost Lore Blanco Tequila is sure to impress with its exceptional taste.



  • Lost Lore Reposado Tequila 750ML

    Lost Lore Reposado Tequila 750ML

    Lost Lore Reposado Tequila 750ML is a premium spirit originating from Mexico. This reposado tequila offers a smooth and slightly sweet flavor profile, with hints of oak from the aging process. Perfect for sipping neat or in your favorite cocktail, this tequila is a versatile choice for any occasion.

    To fully enjoy the flavors of Lost Lore Reposado Tequila, it is recommended to serve it chilled in a glass with a salted rim for a classic margarita experience. Alternatively, try it in a paloma or simply enjoy a shot with a wedge of lime to enhance the smooth taste. However you choose to indulge, this tequila is sure to impress.



  • El Tequileno Reposado 750ML

    El Tequileno Reposado 750ML

    El Tequileno Reposado 750ML is a premium tequila from the region of Jalisco, Mexico. This tequila is aged for a minimum of two months in oak barrels, resulting in a smooth and mellow flavor profile with hints of caramel and vanilla.

    To fully enjoy El Tequileno Reposado, it is recommended to serve it neat in a snifter glass to savor its intricate flavors. This tequila also makes a great addition to cocktails such as margaritas or tequila sunrises for a delicious twist.


  • Clase Azul Plata Tequila 750ML

    Clase Azul Plata Tequila 750ML

    Clase Azul Plata Tequila 750ML is a premium spirit originating from Mexico. This tequila boasts a smooth and crisp flavor profile with hints of agave, making it perfect for sipping or mixing in cocktails.

    To fully enjoy Clase Azul Plata Tequila, we recommend serving it chilled or over ice to enhance its smooth taste. It can also be used in classic tequila cocktails such as margaritas or palomas for a refreshing twist. Cheers to a premium tequila experience with Clase Azul Plata!



  • Siete Leguas De Antano Extra Anejo 750ML

    Siete Leguas De Antano Extra Anejo 750ML

    Siete Leguas De Antano Extra Anejo 750ML is a premium spirit originating from Mexico. This extra anejo tequila offers a rich and complex flavor profile, with notes of oak, vanilla, caramel, and a hint of spice.

    To fully enjoy this tequila, it is recommended to serve it neat in a snifter glass at room temperature. Allow the spirit to breathe for a few minutes before taking a sip to fully appreciate its depth of flavors. Sip slowly and savor the smooth and luxurious taste of Siete Leguas De Antano Extra Anejo.



  • Partida Blanco 750ML

    Partida Blanco 750ML

    Partida Blanco 750ML is a premium tequila from Mexico, known for its smooth and crisp flavor profile. This tequila offers notes of agave with a hint of citrus, making it perfect for both sipping neat or adding to your favorite cocktails.

    For the best experience, serve Partida Blanco chilled or over ice to fully appreciate its refreshing taste. This tequila is ideal for margaritas, palomas, or any cocktail where the agave flavor can shine through. Enjoy responsibly and savor the flavors of Mexico with Partida Blanco 750ML.
